Couldn't Have Asked for a Better Opening Night!

What can I say? Our opening night at Nunsense, A-men! was wonderful. We had a great house full of friends and a wonderful response. Everything--for the most part--went according to plan and people laughed and had a great time. And Bob, who is often the critic, loved it. Friends from work, from Joel Hall and from Asians and Friends came and had a great time. I do have a nice life. One more show tomorrow! Can't wait.
Congratulations!! So when will you be taking it to LA? Glad to hear it is doing well!
The other one.
Thanks for the good wishes Angel! You know, I really have my sights set on bringing the show to L.A. I know it'll mean some costs on our side, but I think the guys would love the trip. I'll keep you all in the loop (I'll need your help really ...) oxoxo
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