I'd Like to Dedicate My Next Song To ...

So I'm at Karaoke on a school night this week and I'm at Mary's Attic where a bunch of lesbians have taken over. I put up a song and as I'm waiting, the MC mentions that it's someone's birthday, so I figured that when it's my turn, I'll dedicate my song to the birthday person.
Then the MC says, "Alright, we have Angel on deck to sing right after Gail. Let's bring up to the stage our birthday girl!"
Well, she steps on stage and she's huge. A big gal. Not circus big but a hefty sister. Then I realize the song I put up was Lionel Richie's "Three Times a Lady."
"You're once ...
Twice ..."
Oh, it would have been a disaster.
My plan and my spirit evaporate. And without any segue, I step on stage and just start to sing, hoping no one will connect the dots. Thankfully, no one did.
That is HYSTERICAL! I'm so glad I wasn't there because I would have laughed that obnoxious laugh of mine and the gig would have been up!
It could have been worse, though. If you had chosen to sing "Lay, Lady, Lay" or something like that. :)
Or "Fat Bottomed Girls."
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