I Was on the Radio This Morning!

My 15 minutes, I mean seconds, of fame arrived this morning as I was on my way to work. I took a side trip to get baked goods for our company's "Holiday Cookie Exchange" when I heard the DJ's on the radio say they were broadcasting from a Dunkin' Donuts just down the street.
I'm driving past the lot and see the B96 broadcast van and so I pull into the parking lot. When I stroll in, I see the three on-air hosts, their Hollywood reporter and a couple of other staff folks. Maybe one or two other customers sitting and watching. So I grab a cup of tea and sit with the other two folks--here I am thinking there's always huge crowds at these remote broadcasts--when suddenly, DJ "Jobo" says on air, "Or come in like this guy just did and sit and watch how people do a live radio show!"
Suddenly he switches topics and asks me what the No. 1 song in Chicago is. I blurt out, Jordan Sparks, "Tattoo."
"Nope, I'm sorry."
Then the staff person says to me, Alicia Keyes. And I say "Alicia Keyes."
"Well, too late," Jobo says. "I was going to give you a $50 gas card."
Rats. Oh, well. It was fun to get called out. When they took a break I introduced myself and shook their hands. Again a few seconds of fun before going to work...
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