Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Angel Factory

There's something about populating my life with too many things that has been my inspiration and my downfall. With articles due at work, statistical exercises to complete for online school, chorus parts to learn for Miss Saigon and work with Asians and Friends Chicago and School Street Movement, the balls are in the air ready to hit the ground.

But I have a theory. I can slow time down by hitting those moments of raw understanding. If I'm pushing at understanding a piece of text, and I hit that moment of knowing what the words are trying to tell me, then I'm slowing down time. If I hit a moment in a dance class or in a stretch where I feel I've truly felt the active relaxation. Or if I've achieved a rest that allows me to wake up refreshed. These are moments that have slowed time. If I can just keep on racking up those moments, then no matter how much I have or have not finished, my day was well spent.


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