As president of Asians and Friends Chicago, it's my sworn duty to publicize via all means our upcoming events. Having said that, our Chinese New Year's event is among the best attended, with between 60-70 attendees annually. It's the Year of the Rat and we've moved our dinner to Chinatown this year to the highly rated Phoenix Restaurant. Here's the stats:
Asians and Friends Chicago
Chinese New Year's Dinner
Sat. Feb. 16, 2008
Phoenix Restaurant
2131 S. Archer (2nd Floor)
Chicago, IL
$40 includes multi-course dinner, raffle and a breathtaking view of Chicago's skyline.
10% discount through Jan. 31 presale.
http://www.afchicago.org/ to use a credit card (via PayPal) or mail a check to Asians and Friends Chicago, P.O. Box A 3916, Chicago, IL 60690-3916.
See everyone there!