Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Xmas Mall Adventure

This year, our office decided to have a Holiday scavenger hunt at a nearby mall. So we developed a secret list of things that the rest of the office would have to find, things like "coal" or "glitter." Some things people would have to buy, some they'd have to record audio of and some were photos. It was fun. People were grabbing shoppers and asking them to sing a Christmas song, others were creating faux pictures of mall reindeer "food." The most creative was "snow" and how one team bought yellow cotton candy and called it "yellow snow."

We then met up at a nearby restaurant and had lunch. Ho, ho, ho!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I Was on the Radio This Morning!

My 15 minutes, I mean seconds, of fame arrived this morning as I was on my way to work. I took a side trip to get baked goods for our company's "Holiday Cookie Exchange" when I heard the DJ's on the radio say they were broadcasting from a Dunkin' Donuts just down the street.

I'm driving past the lot and see the B96 broadcast van and so I pull into the parking lot. When I stroll in, I see the three on-air hosts, their Hollywood reporter and a couple of other staff folks. Maybe one or two other customers sitting and watching. So I grab a cup of tea and sit with the other two folks--here I am thinking there's always huge crowds at these remote broadcasts--when suddenly, DJ "Jobo" says on air, "Or come in like this guy just did and sit and watch how people do a live radio show!"

Suddenly he switches topics and asks me what the No. 1 song in Chicago is. I blurt out, Jordan Sparks, "Tattoo."

"Nope, I'm sorry."

Then the staff person says to me, Alicia Keyes. And I say "Alicia Keyes."

"Well, too late," Jobo says. "I was going to give you a $50 gas card."

Rats. Oh, well. It was fun to get called out. When they took a break I introduced myself and shook their hands. Again a few seconds of fun before going to work...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Nunsense Creator Writes Me!

Believe it or not, I just got a holiday greeting from none other than Dan Goggin, the author of Nunsense! and its sequels! Crazy huh? I wrote to his agent because one of the offices in my building at work has a name-plate with the name Goggin. I left a note on the office door but no one called me, so I thought I'd write Dan Goggin and ask him the if there was a relation. This was about a month ago. I thought there might be a connection. In any case, in the letter I got today he doesn't mention the Goggin from Oak Brook, Ill., but here is what he says:

Dear Angel--
Got your note--Glad you're having fun. Best wishes to the cast. Merry Christmas!
Danny Goggin

Fun times huh?

Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's Curtains! For Now ...

The weekend of shows couldn't have been more enjoyable. Laura, our pianist Myron's girlfriend, snuck a few photos of our performance last night and I got some shots of the Asians and Friends guys who came for dinner and the show. We had a packed house and everybody loved our performance. I'm already talking with our second venue for next February and Michigan in the summer. If I coax my L.A. peeps to help, maybe we'll venture out to the West Coast by the fall or sooner! The nuns are on the run!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Couldn't Have Asked for a Better Opening Night!

What can I say? Our opening night at Nunsense, A-men! was wonderful. We had a great house full of friends and a wonderful response. Everything--for the most part--went according to plan and people laughed and had a great time. And Bob, who is often the critic, loved it. Friends from work, from Joel Hall and from Asians and Friends came and had a great time. I do have a nice life. One more show tomorrow! Can't wait.

It's Showtime!

Everything, all the rehearsals, the marketing and publicity, is done. It's time for us to put on Nunsense, A-men!

I took the day off today to chill before the performance and found what I think is one of the funnier pieces of publicity we received. It was from Nightspots magazine. Not only did we get a picture of me and Mikey Frenching each other (See post below), but I was featured in the "Crotch or Bea Author?" section of that same issue. You can see my hands around my crotch (No. 2), with the answer being "The heavenly crotch of an Angel ... Abcede, to be exact."

Even more fun will ensue tonight. On with the show! A-men!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Stopping to Smell the Flowers

With all the rushing around for Nunsense, A-men!, which opens tomorrow, I had the opportunity to stop and smell the daisies and carnations. My co-worker Jen had a birthday today and the office group had flowers delivered. Her parents also sent her flowers. So amid all the cold and snow outside--and all the stress of rehearsals and holiday shopping--I was able to slow down a bit and appreciate my wonderful life. Then on top of Jen's flowers, our office conference room also presented a nice surprise. I walked in and this Christmas cactus I left there was in bloom. I got the plant as a Secret Santa gift three years ago and while it had bloomed back then, it had not had any flowers since. Then, lo and behold, it's in full bloom again. It must be a sign! Happy Holidays to all!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Almost Sold Out!

Well, it's not official, but the way the seating is at The Spot, our Nunsense, A-men! effort is selling well. The main audience area can seat 50 comfortably with 70 supposedly being the max. (The extra 20 seats wrap around a back bar and are definitely less desirable.) However, we're already near 50 for Saturday in terms of RSVP's and although we're about half that for Friday, we'll definitely get into the 40-seat range by then. The nuns are raking it in!
Better get back to reviewing those lines and lyrics!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Media Whores

Mikey and I went out a week ago to Karaoke in our nun outfits to publicize Nunsense, A-men! and we saw our pictures in this week's Nightspots. Apparently, we'll do anything for publicity.
Our rehearsal at The Spot yesterday went great and we're definitely going to have a wonderful show. Rehearsal again tonight!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Mother Mary Barry Bonds

Is she a kindly nuturer or a manic tyrant on steroids? My pal Robert Ertel plays Rev. Mother Superior, Sister Mary Regina with an authority and the comic sensibility that she's got a man's build under that nun dress.

Robert has been part of the initial triumverate of Godspell friends who decided to produce Nunsense, A-men! as a way to work together again. It was totally a right-on decision. More as we go into hell, I mean, tech week!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Mistress of the Novices

John Swenson, who is also our director John Breen's partner (Who'd he sleep with to get that role?), plays Sister Mary Hubert, the convent's Mistress of the Novices. He's got a wonderful sense of timing and character and is a joy to watch.

He also brings Broadway credits to the table, having been in the cast of Phantom of the Opera in New York and on national tour. That just goes to show the caliber of talent in our production of Nunsense, A-men!

Here, we catch Sister Hubert relaxing with her favorite stogie (and ruler).

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Sister Mary Lost-in-the-Woods

For our upcoming musical, Nunsense, A-men!, I play Sister Mary Amnesia, and if there were a TV show to describe my character, it would definitely be "Lost." Apparently, a crucifix fell on my head and I don't remember who I am (type cast, I know). Part of the plot is Sister Amnesia remembering her name and of course, I put my own little spin on the role (giggle).

I've had the best time on this little road of rediscovery and look forward to our opening in less that two weeks!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Sister Robert Anne

Like Jo, the street-wise kid from the Bronx on TV's Facts of Life, Sister Robert Anne is the butchest character in Nunsense, A-men! She drives the convent car, but can also fix whatever breaks down. Oddly enough, for such a tough character, she sings the prettiest song, "Growing Up Catholic." Leaning the harmonies on that one has been the toughest.

John Breen, who plays Sister Robert Anne, is an accomplished performer and director himself. He actually directed Nunsense! in New Jersey and brought up the idea to us way back in the summer. Under his direction, we've been productive and creatively inspired!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

The Novice

Sister Leo is the youngest sister (and the youngest in our cast of "dusties") in the convent and has aspirations to be a dancer--which makes us all chuckle when he says those lines. But in Nunsense, A-men!, he recognizes that his goals can be achieved through humility and work in the order of the Little Sisters of Uptown.

Mikey Apuada plays the role, having just entered into the musical theater world last year. I met him through Karaoke at Bobby Love's and worked with him in Miss Saigon over at Wilmette's community theater. He played the role of Thuy in Oak Lawn's Saigon. He's so funny. We just went out last night to Bobby's in our nun outfits to promote the show. Giggle.